Thursday, March 09, 2006


So last Sunday night I was doing what any self respecting fan of movies would be doing, I was avoiding watching the Academy Awards like it was the avian flu. I have never in my life watched the Oscars and I really never see myself doing so unless it involves some kind of financial compensation.
I hate all these awards type of things. I really hate the Hollywood scene, and all of the self righteousness that a lot of these people puke out at these things. I like Jon(?) Stewart, the Daily Show is KILLER! All the way, but the Oscars have always sucked by it's nature, and I don't think I can ever bring myself to watch it. I figure there is always going to be something better to do.

So anyway, my avoidance of the whole Oscar's thing has put me in the mood to wax on about movies, so I'll jabber briefly about a few that I have just recently scene.
First on the list is HELLBOY. Yeah I know this thing has been out for awhile, but anybody who knows me knows that I am a behind-the-times sorta guy, and for the most part I like it that way. I liked this movie more than I thought I would and I went into this thing figuring I would enjoy it, so I have to say that it ranks pretty good on the meter. I thought the Hellboy character was played pretty well by Pearlmen, although I haven't ever read any of the comic books so I guess I can't make a comparison or anything.
The movie was strictly entertaining and really, what could anybody want to get out of a film called HELLBOY anyway. All the people who what social relevance can go see POKE CRACK MOUNTAIN.
I thought HELLBOY was really good in the area of what folks in the biz term as a "popcorn" movie. Y'know, Fun...Monsters...Violence. My favorite complaint about this movie that I heard once in a video store is that "It wasn't very realistic." No kidding. I'm thinking the dork was possibly missing the point of the film. I thought it was great to watch a movie that didn't have some underlying message that I should take away from the film.

Next up is the film JERSEY GIRL. Yeah, I know it's a chick flick, and it has all of those horrible attributes that such a film of that genre entails. My wife was watching this, Her being big into the whole Ben Affleck vibe, and I quite frankly, had to much to drink to bring myself to go into the other room and watch something else. Face it Ben Affleck sucked in this thing, Someone tell me a movie he was really good in. Liv Tyler was sexy as usual, but not really all that good as far as acting goes, George Carlin was probably the best thing in this movie, but that's not saying a whole lot. I'm not slamming Carlin here, the movie was just absolute crap. I don't think that Kevin Smith is that great of a film maker (I liked CLERKS)but I can't figure out why he wanted to make a chick flick.

The last film here is the one that everybody's been talking about WALK THE LINE. Everybody and there dog seems to be on a Johnny Cash jag these days, and I've got nothing against Cash. I like the guys music, and would agree that the man is an absolute legend.(does this mean I'm becoming mainstream ?)
I also thought that the movie was good, but it sure didn't knock me out like everyone said it would. I mean, I know some people who really raved about this thing, claiming it to be one of the best movies they had ever seen. I don't know, I just couldn't get that into it. One thing is that I couldn't really see phoenix ( I ain't even gonna try and spell his first name) as Cash. I think that he did a good job in the film, but I don't think he could really pull off the job. I have to say that I can't think of anybody else who could either. Maybe Steven Segal would of wanted to give this role a try, but I'm sure he was to busy portraying Jimi Hendryx. The guy who played Jerry Lee Lewis stunk. When I think of Jerry Lee, I think of energy unbound, this guy plaid a little to laid back as far as I'm concerned. At least Quade(?) gave the role some energy, of course he also played it as an over the top buffoon, but oh well, I don't suppose any of these guys lose any sleep over the fact that they haven't made me happy with their work.

Well that's it for now, gotta go. I hate having to rush stuff but I figure what the hey, I was in the mood to write. Next time more stuff that you will really be able to sink your teeth into, and I'll take more time to give a proper kick ass review like I know I should. Next time I'll talk about Archie Shepp, Antiseen, and other luminary stuff that you really shouldn't be caught dead without having it in your music library.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Cool Reviews coming soon.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Yes, it's true. I have finally been able to throw off the shackles of that daily grind that has been my job for the better part of 11 years or so. I am trading it in for a new kind of daily grind, but I like the new job better and it doesn't come with all of the hassles and grief that were a constant part of my county job.
My new job is a driving job for a dry cleaning company. I have been lucky to land two jobs now that are mostly driving. No more worrying about people not making it to work, no more getting called in the night to have to go in because something happened, no more scheduling, holidays off, yeah! This is going to be all right. I'll also be off work by 3:oo pm central standard time.
Perhaps I will now be able to live a normal life? Well ...Ok, not so much normal but...
Anyway, more later.