Thursday, February 25, 2010


The creative well has been rather dry as of late. Maybe it's been the long winter, or job burnout, or whatever, but I haven't felt like writing at all. In fact the only writing I've done has been filling out my NCAA Tournament brackets, and I was none too creative with those as a matter of fact. I'm sitting here surrounded by empty Old Style beer cans and still nothing is coming. Watching tv might help, but as I 'm flipping through channels I still can't get a kick start. However, one thing does occur to me as I watch the tube. If I never have another creative thought in my life again, I could still likely get a job in television. Talk about a freakin' wasteland.
It seems like when I was a kid there was all kinds of cool stuff being broadcast. Creature Features and B-movies on the late show, Bugs Bunny cartoons, Supercar, Leave It To Beaver, the Munsters, Have Gun Will Travel, Get Smart, Outer Limits,Twilight Zone, Spiderman cartoons from the 60's, the list goes on and on.
Nowadays things do not seem to be any where near as cool as the days of old, but then I could say that about all kinds of things, not just television. Yeah, I realize that I sound like some old codger bitching about how things just ain't like they used to be, and everybody thinks the stuff from their time period is better than what's going down currently, I get that, but it seems like there must be more to it than that.
I mean is 16 and Pregnant more fun to watch than Dragnet? Is Celebrity Rehab a more intense thrill ride than Combat with Vic Morrow? Can you honestly tell me that the Steve Wilkos show is more life affirming than Ozzie and Harriet? Maybe you can, but I won't believe it, and your coolness will be suspect.
I now have I don't even know how many channels of television, but there are only three that I really watch with any regularity. I always check Discovery, the History Channel, or Turner Classic Movies first when I decide to watch a little tv. I love these channels and if I'm watching tv it's most likely going to be these stations if there's not a game or fight that I want to watch on. I use to watch the news channels frequently, but I really don't like them much anymore. They are really more news opinion channels than hard news anyway, and I can't think of anything I care less about than Bill O'reilly or Keith Olbermann's opinion about anything. (Of course they feel the same way about me).
Anyway, to get to the semi point of this pointless post; I have 100+ channels and I have three stations I really think are great, some assorted shows here and there(and almost all of them are old shows) that I like, but for my money I'd rather be watching a DVD of some old weird movie, or reading a 1970's Fantastic Four comic book. I know I ain't hip, but lets face it, unhip is the new cool.


Blogger T.Church said...

There has been a nice juggernaut of documentaries on lately about Bigfoot, and the science behind it... It's interesting, and I've noticed that if one channel runs an episode, another channel usually piggy backs it with another. Discovery, Nat Geo, History, Travel, VS. Sy-Fi and the NHL network are usually enough to satisfy me on any given night. Stay away from all that other garbage. There is nothing less realistic than reality TV, my friend.

March 18, 2010 at 3:32 PM  

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