Thursday, May 19, 2005


Here's a few literary items that you really probably can't live without.


Marvel comics have been reprinting a lot of their great stuff from the 60's and 70's in these Essential books and I for one think a lot of this stuff is simply kick ass. I've gotten a number of these over some time and I always enjoy reading this stuff. The 60's and 70's were simply the greatest era for comic books. You usually get about 24 or so issues of the title as well as some annuals or giant size editions that Marvel was putting out in those halycon days of comic book coolness. The stuff is printed in black and white, and although I love the color of the comics there is something to be said for the black and white format. It gives the artwork a stark look that seems to go over well with me and gives a new dimension to the look of the books.

All that being said I guess I should talk about this particular title. Super-villain Team Up was a book dedicated to telling us the story of megalomaniac Doctor Doom and his never ending bids at world conquest. The comics would have him teaming up with other various super bad guys. Most of the issues have him teamed up with the Sub-Mariner (although I would say that he technically isn't a villain as much as a guy who has some trouble handling his anger. He's more in the character vein of the Hulk or someone like that). There are also stories that team Doom with the Red Skull and Magneto. The stories are classic Marvel stuff, full of over the top, egomaniacal dialog, lots of fights, back stabbing, betrayals, sci-fi weapons and machines, and lots of massive destruction. It's cool. You should check this out as well as any of the other Essential books out there. This stuff is really good.
You can pick these things up at most book stores,or at your favorite comic book shop. The comic shops will obviously have better selections but of course you run the risk of running in to all of those comic geeks. I suppose that I could even be considered one on some levels but allow me to point out some of the glaring differences.
One: I shower daily.
Two:I don't live in my Mom's basement.
Three:I have actually experienced sex.

I don't want to offend all people who read and enjoy comics, because there are a lot of cool people, but honest to God there are those stereotypical nerds out there and they are numerous. They are easy to spot however and you'll most likely know them when you see them. Definitely when you smell 'em.

This zine is great. It completely hits the spot in as far as gulcher culture is concerned. It's spreading the gospel of the rock'n' roll. Not just as a form of music but as a kind of lifestyle. The guy who puts it out has a great writing style and he seems to be attuned to a lot of the coolness that makes life worth living. The last several issues of this thing have been big. You get 100 plus pages of interviews, record, cd, movie, book and zine reviews, as well as other assorted articles on things you really do want to read about. The last issue (no.25) had a cool article on the New York Scene, an excellent look at fanzines, cool reviews, and a cd that you ain't likely to get anywhere else.
If you are into cool rock 'n' roll, movies and tv shows that matter, and one of the most entertaining reads you can get, you really do have to get this zine.
Send $12.00 to:
Christopher Stigliano
714 Shady Ave.
Sharon, PA 16146-3149


Here's another zine that is involved in the garage/punk side of life. This thing is put out by Mike Stax who is the lead singer for the Loons. He's also been a member of a few other bands that champion the big beat. This thing is definitely a labor of love. The thing is extensive and well researched. I've read articles in hear that are more comprehensive than some books. Again you get a large number of pages devoted to reviews of music and books, interviews, and assorted things that make for a completely satisfying literary experience.
The last issue that I got had a great piece on the Jimmy Page era Yardbirds, The Misunderstood, and so much more that you can't read the thing in one day. Again you get nearly 200 pages of absolute coolness. There are no subscriptions but you can check them out on the web or write 'en a letter at 3707 fifth Ave#145, San Diego, CA 92103.

You're probably asking yourself right now how can you live without this stuff. Well bub, you can't, so throw away your copies of SPIN and ROLLINGSTONE and get this stuff instead. It's better than Shakespeare, and it's even been found that reading this stuff cures the plague, so what have you got to lose. You need this stuff, you really, really, do.


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