Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I went to the doctor the other day due to an incredibly painful sore throat. If you are like me, then long waits at the doctor are a source of major irritation. I have discovered that the way to avoid such things are to have your appointment about ten minutes before 5:oo. The doctors and nurses are already thinking about being home and opening up a cold and frosty beverage, and you the patient are very possibly the last thing that they are concerned about at this time.
Hell, you'll be lucky if they check your vital signs. I have never seen a doctor so quickly. The second the nurse shut the examining room door it was opening again. The diagnosis was quick and I didn't have to go through a lot of tests and stuff that I might have had to endure had my appointment been aroun 3:00. I got a prescription and went home feeling pretty happy about my drive through doctors office visit.

The only problem that I can come up with is that, not only am I not better, but have steadily been getting worse. Now I have a cough that will not quit and I haven't really slept in about three days because of it. I am also keeping my wife up.

As if feeling like crap isn't bad enough, I have had to hear from family and friends about how they know somebody who was having the same exact problems and they died. I don't know that I'm that sick yet, but I would say that another sleepless night of this hacking cough and death is going to come as a cold and comforting friend.

Anyway, I've now gotten a high powered cough syrup from my doctor (he was not the guy that I saw on Friday) and it says it's a narcotic antitussive and I should avoid driving and all that stuff. After I post this I'm running to the store to buy a 12 pack and then I'm going home and watching something weird like the Monkees movie HEAD, and then it's out to check out the bars. Heh, heh, I'm only kidding. I do not advocate that sort of reckless behavior. Someone will be driving me to the bar.


Blogger Unknown said...

It's been a couple of days... Any better?

May 16, 2005 at 10:11 PM  

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