Monday, May 02, 2005


I predicted that the movie HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY was going to suck. I've heard that it was the number one movie over the weekend. That doesn't mean that it doesn't suck. I will know for myself in a couple of days. I still think it's going to be crap, but it will give me something to write about.

I watched the documentary END OF THE CENTURY last night. I thought this was really very good. I was surprised that PBS had something this cool on. Every member of the band was interviewed, even the forgotten Ritchie Ramone. The guy looks like he's gone on to be a business exec or something. As a Ramones fan I found this movie to be pretty satisfying. It seemed like it was a pretty honest picture of the band. It really is a mystery why the Ramones never had a hit. The film said, and I agree, The Ramones played classic American Rock 'n' Roll. Lots of other bands have gotten radio airplay copping the sound of the Ramones, yet the innovators never had much commercial success. It just goes to show that the music business makes no sense.

All things Ramone rule. Well, except for Dee Dee's rap stuff. I guess heroin is bad for you.


Blogger Unknown said...

Shep, I cant wait until you see the Hitchhiker's Guide... I am thinking you will be pleasantly surprised... I know I was.

Am looking forward to your review.

When is PBS gonna do a documentary on the Cramps?

May 5, 2005 at 6:56 PM  

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