That's right! All those losers who want to make society completely antiseptic, safe, inoffensive, and completely pointless and boring have done it again. This time they have taken down a great American figure. Cookie Monster. Yes friends, Cookie Monster has been taken down. That icon of gluttony. That king of self indulgent cravings run amok, has now become more health conscious. He has learned that cookies are only a sometimes food, and he should also have a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables. This is kind of like the safe sex James Bond of the Timothy Dalton era. It's enough to make me quite watching children's television.
And if all that wasn't enough; some people did an experiment at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where they had a concert that the audience listened to on headphones. At least for a small segment of the show. The people wanted to show that you could enjoy live music without amplification. Jeez, these lame asses didn't learn anything from all of the times they were beaten up in grade school. Listen to rock 'n' roll through headphones at a concert. Who thought this was a good idea? I believe from the news report that I heard, the experiment was a failure. Well no kidding. Who couldn't have told these morons that it wouldn't work? The people who thought this idea up are so not cool it makes my head hurt. Friends, the apocalypse is upon us.