Thursday, December 30, 2004


That pretty much sums up the way I was feeling yesterday morning when I crashed into the waking world. Most of the rest of my day was spent in a brain fog that I just couldn't seem to shake loose. Of course the reason I was in such a state was due to the events of the night before, and here in lies the story. Doesn't it always?

My friend Troy and I set out for one of those nights. We were with some friends of his and headed for the local drinking establishments. The evening started off normal enough, but normal wasn't to be the order of the day. everybody should prepare themselves for the next big thing headed your way. What am I talking about? I'm talking about FULL CONTACT OUTLAW TRICYCLE RACING. Smashes, crashes, bodily injury, it's all there. Screw NASCAR, this is the next big thing in racing sports.

What's needed:
Tricycles (the smaller the better)

Two racers for each trike (One for power and one for steering.yeah, you can do it with one each but it's a lot less entertaining).

Lots of objects in the center of the track and definatly near all of the turns. (folding chairs, garbage cans, etc.)

So go on. Be the first in your town to get started. Your local emergency room will thank you for it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Just another chapter in a book that should probably never be written.

December 31, 2004 at 12:08 PM  
Blogger Robby said...


As a former local from Da Ween(Oelwein), I would like to thank you for your partronage of our fine drinking establishments and all they have to offer. I would also like to welcome you to a equally strange world of blogging in the blogosphere.

side note: Nate from Bakersfield was quoted on the mean trike race the next day; "I've got internal injuries!"

January 2, 2005 at 5:21 PM  

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